The softwares developed by my supervisees or me are listed as follows:
MAAT: MAAT: a new nonparametric Bayesian framework for incorporating multiple functional annotations in transcriptome-wide association studies [paper]
TWAS.GKF: TWAS-GKF: a novel method for causal gene identification in transcriptome-wide association studies with knockoff inference [paper]
h2D2: A Bayesian fine-mapping model using a continuous global-local shrinkage prior h2D2 [paper]
GR2D2: The GR2D2 estimator for the precision matrices [paper]
TLMulti: Multiethnic polygenic risk prediction in diverse populations through transfer learning [paper]
GENESIS: GENetic Effect-Size distribution Inference from Summary-level data. [paper]
CancerEffectSize: Assessment of polygenic architecture and risk prediction based on common variants for cancers. [paper]
R2D2: Bayesian Regression Using a Prior on the Model Fit: The R2-D2 Shrinkage Prior [paper]